Marketing Strategy Prompt Cheat Sheet

How I Created An Account Based Marketing
System Using AI

27 Jan 2024

Feel free to copy and paste the prompts below…

Marketing Goals

“Our business goals are [business goal], what marketing goals and KPIs could contribute to achieving this goal.”

Features & Benefits

“Give me a complete list of features [company description] could offer, add them to a table with the benefits of each feature.”

Market Research

“Which markets could [company description, features, benefits] target, rank them based on the size of the opportunity.”


“Please give me the buyer personas for the [chosen target market], include their jobs, pains, gains, demographics & psychographics”

Messaging & Positioning

“Considering this [persona] give me a messaging and positioning strategy. Include each stage of their customer journey.”

Brand Identity

“Considering the [persona] give me a brand personality and TOV. Include visual identity, they will align with. Include brand colour palette, fonts, image & graphic style. ”

Channels & Tactics

“Considering the [persona] give me a marketing channel plan, include top 3 engagement tactics & top 3 types of content for each channel in a table.”

Campaign Ideas

“Give me some omni-channel campaign ideas for each stage of the customer journey, include a campaign hook, the goal of the campaign in a table.”

Content Plan

“Considering the [messaging, channels and tactics], give me a 12 week content plan for the [chosen campaign].

Owned Media Strategy

“Considering each stage of the customer journey, give me an owned media strategy. ”

Earned Media Strategy

“Considering each stage of the customer journey, give me an earned media strategy. ”

Paid Media Strategy

“Considering each stage of the customer journey, give me a paid media strategy. ”

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